

Birds in hands

Another lesson it teaches is to be like the bird: if someone is intruding on your personal boundaries, bodily fluids are an excellent deterrent.

The subject of today's Remake Monday was first posted on 22 April 2016.


Made for each other

[Text for e-readers and the like:
  At first, they could only regard each other in disbelief: he with his overbite and she with her underbite, each suddenly feeling a lifetime's insecurities and frustrations melt & evaporate & disappear.
  They shared a prognathic correspondence so exact that normal-biters would never understand the perfection attained each time they kissed. So this was what it meant to have a soul mate.]

At first, they only regarded each other in disbelief, he with his overbite and she with her underbite, each feeling a lifetime's insecurities and frustrations simply dissipate into nothing. So this was what it meant to have a soul mate. And when words failed them on that first occasion, they fell into a passionate embrace. From then on, they shared a prognathic correspondence so exact that normal-biters would never understand the perfection attained each time they kissed.


Maybe, just maybe

I think I might've had a few too many Cruel Ranch™ snacks the other day. I better just get it out of my system.


Exsanguinated exigencies

I have a vague recollection of hearing someone use the first character's lines in a real-life rant, although it might be one of those invented memories.


The science factory

When I was a kid, almost all the things I wanted to do when I grew up involved science of one kind or another. I did not yet understand that this would require what is commonly known as an 'attention span'.
(I don't think kid-Andrew ever employed the term 'science factory', though, because 'laboratory' was so much fun to say.)


Considerable consolation

You might think this a small consolation, but you'd be severely underestimating the intensity of my feelings about this chair.


Worth a try

Dear CrustaceanSingles,
As a person who has had multiple encounters with extraterrestrial beings (INCLUDING more than one abduction and time spent as a test subject in spaceship laboratories), I did not find today's so-called comic particularly funny. Comedy should not punch DOWN at people like me but UP at the Greys, Reptilians, and human members of the secret world government who enable their behavior.
Windraisin Crumblepuff


¡QuĂ© gran oportunidad!

Hoy me complace anunciar que se ha negociado con Didacticorp™ una nueva direcciĂłn para mis ilustraciones— serán utilizadas para ayudar a aprender el inglĂ©s!

(The subject of today's Remake Monday was first posted on 01 April 2015.)