

Shape of the cloud


Blue Guy, shaped like a fluffy cloud, floats wordlessly at the top of the frame. Red Guy, shaped like a cloud if a cloud could sit ponderously on the ground, says, "Though I change my shape to that of the cloud, I cannot float, for my heart is heavy."


CrustaceanSingles presents: Red Guy and Blue Guy, where the 'guy's are gender-neutral and the colors are an accident of birth, not a sign of political or sports affiliation. And they change shape! It's fun.


Try elsewhere


A tiny desert island with a single palm tree also has a posted sign, bigger than the tree, reading "No castaways".

The thought process for this one went something like: "I have no ideas." "Then do something hackneyed. Try a castaway gag." "No." And there it was.




A bald figure with an unkempt beard and wild stare holds a sign that formerly read "The end is near"; the final word has been crossed out and replaced with "being withheld as punishment".

This is probably doctrinal to some real group out there, huh?



Mind changing


Top caption: The thrilling conclusion to "I have to get out of here", panel 1 of 4: / The panel shows the shovel-user, still sitting on the log, projects outward calm while saying, "I think—and I am furious about this—you are right." Bottom caption: See the rest on ko-fi.com/CrustaceanSingles .

I've just added one more four-panel entry to "I have to get out of here" to the yesterday's megapost on ko-fi.com/CrustaceanSingles. Here's the first of the four final panels, which I hope will interest you enough to follow a linkto a second location.


Catching up on getting out of here


Image of a shovel with the title "I have to get out of here".

For the dozen of you who were following the "I have to get out of here" story, this post starts at the beginning and catches up on the story I didn't post from 2024-06-19 to -23. Then there are several words I wrote about it all.



Cloud cover


Illustration: A person sits in the basket of a hot air balloon disguised as a cloud. The balloon floats among real clouds. The person writes in a notebook. Bottom caption: Mere days into the study, I believe the herd has accepted me as one of their own.

Though I do worry about the awkwardness to come when everyone else starts raining.




Person 1, pointing: Is that a question mark hovering over your head? Person 2, slumped and looking confused: Yeah. I don't get it.

Keep in mind that your booing will only make me stronger.